Northern Epiros Map of Epiros Information on this site Front page - Epirus at Ellada.com

Epirus Epirus is everyone's favorite area in Greece except that most people dont even get there! It is a rugged area dominated by the Pindos range and divided in four areas, West, East, North and South.

North Epirus includes the main Pindos mountains with the peaks of Sm�likas (2637 meters - 8000 feet), Gam�la, Gram�s and Astraka. It also includes the beautiful V�kos Gorge, a must for hikers in the summer and winter and Albania for those that want a quick detour. To find information on Albania, click here.

West Epirus includes Igoumen�tsa, the main port of entry for those arriving by ferry from Italy. In addition, here we find unexplored beaches (yes, they do exist in Greece) and plenty of camping opportunities.

East Epirus includes Io�ninna, the capital, as well as M�tsovo, and other beautiful towns and villages. The Kat�ra pass (at 1705 meters) is also here which is being slowly replaced by a tunnel to the detriment of the wild life that exists in the area.

South Epirus includes the lowlying areas and towns such as Pr�veza and Arta as well as famous P�rga.

Epiros is a very hard and cold environment in the winter and most of the villages get cut off from supplies. The only communication is with helicopters and every winter, Greece is full of stories about these villages. A map of Epiros, highlighting these areas, as presented below, is available here.

North Epirus
East Epirus
West Epirus
South Epirus

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